Craig Michael Smart - Online Memorial Website

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Craig Smart
Born in Maine
24 years
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Family Tree
Terri♥Mom 2 angel Brent Bowden Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours♥ November 17, 2009
Terri♥Mom 2 angel Brent Bowden Rest in peace our precious angels♥ November 8, 2009
Lupe Lopez ~Gabe's mom~ Always remembering you and your precious Angel November 2, 2009

BrandyJuliasMommy Thank you October 31, 2009
Margaret Buonpane Happy Halloween! October 29, 2009

Terri♥Mom 2 angel Brent Bowden Connected by our precious angels♥ October 2, 2009
John Blackwell A short note October 1, 2009
My condolenses to your family for your loss of both Craig and Trent...I never knew this site was here and came across it completly on a fluke looking up something for Tele-media. I worked with Craig at Tele-media and still work in the Seymour office I see Troy from time to time at company meetings and such and ran into Ryan whom I had never met before at a show in Hartford he not only bore a resemblance to craig he was as nice a person as I remeber Craig being. Craig was one of the greats there wasn't anyone quite like Craig. I can still hear his goofy laugh in my truck sometimes thinking back to my early days at Tele-Media we always laughed our days were spent joking and clowning around and I truly miss it. Just wanted to send a note that Craig is still in our thoughts and hearts even after all these years. As for the story of Trent I had no idea and as a father it brings tears to my eye's to know that your family is suffering another loss as if you hadn't lost enough....I'm deeply saddened and sorry to hear that news.
Jo-Ann Pacenta~Lauren's mom Autumn Blessings September 28, 2009

Tammy K. Happy Halloween Craig & also to ur family with luv September 27, 2009

Margaret Buonpane Happy Labor Day! September 5, 2009
Total Condolences: 92
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